Blackall Historical Woolscour

302 Evora Road, Blackall, QLD

When you visit the Blackall Historical Woolscour your will be amazed to observe the working wool scouring (cleaning) machinery that was commissioned over 115 years ago. The slow rotation of the old sprockets and loose chains driving the strange finger like claws that would slowly pull the wool through the cleaning tanks. The specially engineered drying process which incorporated the heat from the steam without the moisture in a multi level drying machine at the end of the scouring line.

The Blackall Historical Woolscour operated from 1908 until it closed in 1978 and played a large part in the lives of many Blackall families. In 2002 the community restored the complex as a cultural tourism facility. The community has created a unique heritage experience for visitors that is informative and educational. Volunteers provide a friendly atmosphere of welcome that ensures the Woolscour is one of the best authentic experiences in the region, acknowledged as one of Australia’s best industrial heritage sites.

The machinery is fully operational and there are tours every day from April to the end of October.

Indicative Rates: $25 to $30

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