Wander along Charleville’s Warrego River Walk beside the northernmost tributary of the Darling River.
Warrego means ‘river of sand’ in the Aboriginal language and the was designed by the local Indigenous Bidjara people. The pathway is called ‘Wadyanana’, meaning ‘I’ll be walking around somewhere else when he comes.’
Read the signs about Mundagudda and the Rainbow Serpent along the path, see the new and old bridges and view native trees and grasses. Birdlife is prolific early morning and later afternoon. Picnic tables, wheelchair friendly and dogs on a leash.
Did you know that the Warrego is one of the few rivers where silver perch breed naturally? Also home to Yellowbelly and Murray Cod, it is an angler’s delight with thousands of fingerlings introduced in the river system annually by the Charleville Fishing Club.