Quick Shears – Shearers Shindig Thargomindah 2025

45 Powell St, Thargomindah, QLD
23/05/2025 to 24/05/2025

Roll up your swags, pack your bags, rally your mates, and slip on your boots for an epic time at the Shearers Shindig Thargomindah.

Join in for a Family Friendly weekend full of Action-Packed Entertainment, Colour Run Fun, Quick Shear Heats, Thrilling Pig Races, Exciting Market Stalls and Delicious Food!

The Shearers Shindig is a vibrant 2 – day event on May 23rd and 24th, located at the Thargomindah Sports Oval, SW QLD.

Get set for a thrilling line-up of activities and entertainment on Friday the 23rd!

Dive into an exciting reptile show with TV Star Julie Baker the Snake Boss, be amazed by Eljay’s 3- in – 1 bike comedy act and witness Dayna’s impressive skills in her show, Cowgirls with Wings Horse Trick Riding. Expand your knowledge on Bees at the apiarist info chat with our very own Mayor John Ferguson, explore market stalls and food vendors offering diverse range of products and treats. Participate in our Colour run fun and prepare for an evening of music and more exciting entertainment!

Saturday the 24th prepare yourselves for the highlight of the weekend – The Quick Shears Competition!

That’s not all – enjoy more fantastic entertainment with Julie Baker and Dayna Bradshaw!
So, what are you waiting for?!
Your epic outback adventure starts here!

Indicative Rates: $60 to $100

Facilities found here:

BarCarparkCoach ParkingFamily FriendlyKiosk