Riversands Vineyards

66 Whytes Road, St George, QLD

Riversands Vineyards is Queensland’s western most winery located on the banks of the Balonne River in St George, south-west Qld, producing 20 ha of wine and table grapes.

Riversands is a Blacket family venture purchased in 1996. Owner David Blacket said “St George is an ideal district in which to grow grapes due to the water security offered by the Beardmore Dam and deep sandy loam soils.”

They offer a free personalised cellar door wine tasting and cafe in their garden surrounds. They are best known for their fortified wines including the famous Golden Liqueur Muscat and St George Port. They also offer a range of boutique sweet and dry table wines and sparkling wines.

They host coach groups and functions for families, businesses and government. Coach groups need to book. Riversands Easter in the Vines is their signature event along with their Long Table in the Vines on the Australia Day weekend & Opera in the Vines in September. They host cotton-vineyard and Anchorage Historic Homestead tours from April to September.

Wine varieties include sauvignon blanc, chardonnay, shiraz, merlot, ruby cabernet, white muscat, black muscat and emerging varieties such as vermentino.

They also produce premium table grapes for supermarkets in the eastern states. Their table grape varieties include Menindee Seedless, Midnight Beauty and most recently Ruby Rush.

Facilities found here:

Alfresco/Outdoor DiningCarparkCellar DoorCoach ParkingDelivery availableFamily FriendlyLawn / GardensNon SmokingOnline OrdersPet Friendly - EnquirePrivate Dining AreaShop / Gift ShopSuitable for FunctionsTakeaway AvailableWine TastingFood & WineWine Australia