For us, our arrival at Hughenden meant two things. Firstly, we were just over half way through our fantastic holiday. Secondly, for the first time in over a week, we would be heading towards home, rather than away from it. It was all going way too fast. Hughenden We started with a visit to the Flinders […]
The moment we’ve all been waiting for… the dinosaur dig! We made it to Richmond where I accidentally asked “who is ready for some dinosaur hunting?”. Don’t say that. The response was 3 slightly nervous 5 year olds looking up at me, with one asking “ummm, are they friendly dinosaurs Mama, will they eat us?”. “Sorry kids, it’s […]
What do ancient mesas, broken escarpments, red desert landscapes and refreshing waterholes all have in common? You'll find them all in Outback Queensland.